Please also refer to the general information about contacting and visiting prisoners.
Getting there
Loddon Prison is situated about 2km from the centre of Castlemaine, 128km north-west of Melbourne.
From Melbourne, take the Calder Freeway in the direction of Bendigo.
From the freeway, take the Maryborough/Elphinstone/Castlemaine exit. Travel through Chewton to the outskirts of Castlemaine.
At Hitchcock Street a left turn is clearly indicated. This will take you into the prison grounds.
Visitors travelling from Bendigo, Maryborough or Daylesford need to drive through Castlemaine and turn right at Hitchcock Street.
Public transport
A regular train services runs to Castlemaine for visitors from Melbourne and Bendigo. Check the timetables and reservation requirements with V/Line (External link)
A courtesy bus transfers visitors from Castlemaine to Loddon Prison and back again on Saturdays and Sundays. A timetable is available on the Public Transport Victoria website (External link) (Route 6: Castlemaine to Chewton via Loddon Prison). Travel on this bus is free upon presentation of a valid V/Line ticket.
More information is available in the Loddon Prison and Middleton visitors information booklet.
Visiting times
Loddon Prison
To visit a prisoner, you must be on their approved list. Once you are on the list, you can book a visit according to the visit session times listed below.
Type | Days | Session times |
Mainstream | Monday and Saturday | 11:00 am - 4:30 pm |
Mainstream | Sunday | 8:00 am - 4:30 pm |
Child free | Monday and Saturday | 8:00 am - 11:00 am |
Saturday and Sunday | 8:00 am - 3:00 pm |
Monday | 10:00 am - 3:00 pm |
Middleton will not be facilitating special public holiday visits in the near future.
Visit conditions
For conditions of entry that apply to all prisons, such as COVIDSafe procedures, general behaviour and the search process, refer to the current information for contacting and visiting prisoners.
Visitors enter the prison through the reception area into a waiting area equipped with lockers and toilets, where the visitors' process takes place. It is also where any authorised property for the prisoner is left prior to the visit, and where property sent out by the prisoner is collected on completion of the visit.
Visitors are required to submit to an electronic search of their person prior to entry. Visitors' property/belongings will also be subjected to an electronic search at the time of processing
The Visit Centre is designed to promote a cheerful and pleasant atmosphere. Apart from the indoor area, there is a paved adjacent outdoor area with seating. A canteen and a baby change room are located near the entrance foyer.
The Visit Centre is a smoke-free area and tobacco products are not allowed.
Unauthorised items for visitors
Clutch purses, handbags, wallets, watches and mobile phones, pagers or any other communications devices are not permitted into the prison.
Visit canteens are currently only accepting card payments at this time.
Authorised items for visitors
The following items for children are allowed:
- 1 change of clothing per child
- 3 bibs
- 2 baby bottles, with formula either made up or if it is to be made up, this must be done in the presence of an Officer. There is a fridge available in the baby feeding area.
- 1 toddler drinking cup with lid (empty, no juice or water)
- 3 nappies and a small quantity of wipes in plastic bag
- 1 dummy (no toys or stuffed animals)
- 2 manufacture-sealed tins or jars of baby food (no yoghurt)
- 1 teething rusk in a sealed packet
- 2 blankets
- teething gel, nappy cream or any other medication. These must be in a plastic bag clearly marked with your name and given to an Officer in the Visit Centre. Access to these items can be gained as required.
No other items are acceptable without specific approval.
Visitor dress standards
Prisoners are encouraged to maintain contact with their family and friends and one way to do this, is via visits.
As a visitor to a prison, you are required to follow prison rules, including complying with visitor dress standards, which assist in keeping prisons safe.
There are a range of factors that staff must consider when processing visitors, including the visitor’s clothing or items accompanying the visitor, and the suitability of these items for a prison environment.
Such considerations include clothing items that can be used to conceal contraband, conceal a person’s identity, or breach security, or clothing that could lead to unrest or cause incidents among prisoners.
Visitors are encouraged to refer to this list as a guide and to contact the prison directly where they are unsure if their attire will be suitable for a prison visit.
The following clothing items are not permitted for the purpose of a prison visit.
- Gang affiliated clothing, colours or patches
- Clothing displaying racist/derogatory/sexist or profane messaging, imagery or symbolism
- Clothing that is considered to be inappropriately revealing of private body parts or sexually provocative in nature. This may include clothing that is:
- sheer or see through
- low cut
- very short e.g. high cut shorts that reveal upper thigh or buttocks, football shorts, miniskirts
- exposing e.g. midriff or crop tops
- Gloves
- High visibility workwear due to similarity in attire with contracted workers
- Open-toed shoes
- Scarves (excluding for religious purposes)
- Watches including any type of smart watch or Fitbit activity device
Visitors should also be mindful that the following items may pose a concern:
- Boots and thick sole shoes
- Hair pieces such as headbands, scrunchies etc
- Hooded tops or jumpers
- Jewellery, particularly where it is excessive
- Sleeveless or strapless clothing
- Windcheaters, track-pants or t-shirts that are bottle green (men’s prisons) or royal blue (woman’s prisons) due to similarity with prison issued clothing
Please note that there may be other circumstances where an item of clothing is considered to present a security risk or safety concern.
Staff may ask visitors to present an item to be searched, including the removal of hair pieces or jewellery where there are concerns that contraband may be concealed.
You may be asked to place any items of concern into a visitor locker for the duration of your visit.
You may also be required to wear a prison issued T-shirt for visitors.
Failure to follow the prison rules may result in sanctions. This may include entry to the prison being refused, non-contact visits or a possible visiting ban.
Property and money
Authorised property may be left for prisoners at Visitors Reception.
The approved property items listed below must be brand new. All clothing will undergo a hot wash. Please be aware that Loddon Prison nor Middleton will be liable for any damage caused to clothing as a result of the hot wash process.
The following clothing will be accepted:
- 2 pairs of underwear (boxer shorts, jocks or a combination of both)
- 2 pairs of socks
- 2 singlets (white only, muscle tanks will not be accepted)
- 2 t-shirts (white only, long or short-sleeved, no v-neck, no collar, no buttons, no pockets, no logos of any description).
Prisoners requiring clothing for court or release are to submit a request to an Operations Manager. If approved, these items are to be placed directly into the prisoner’s property, and will not be issued until required.
The following items will be accepted:
- a maximum of two local or ethnic newspapers (not the Herald Sun, The Age, The Australian, Financial Review or Bendigo Advertiser as these can be purchased via the prison shop
- a maximum of three reading books (soft or hard cover)
- a maximum of six photographs standard size (80mm x 160mm, no Polaroids)
- legal papers
- a maximum of two magazines.
The following magazines are not acceptable:
- restricted magazines
- weapons magazines
- magazines containing excessive violence
- hydroponics or home brewing magazines
- tattoo magazines
- disks contained within a magazine.
Please note that all property received at Loddon Prison or Middleton will be receipted at Visitors Reception on visit days and processed accordingly. If you have any queries, please ask staff at Visitors Reception.
Refer to Send letters, money or property to a person in prison for details about how much money can be deposited for a prisoner and in what format.
Currently money can only be sent via Electronic Funds Transfer through Secure Payment Services if you are an approved visitor.
Food and drink
No food or drink can be brought into the prison (apart from the above mentioned allowed items for children). The Visit Centre canteen is currently closed. When open, the canteen offers a range of food and drink options. Please note that the Visit Centre canteen is only accepting card payments.
Loddon Prison profile
Loddon Prison is a campus-style prison within a secure perimeter. The landscaped grounds, modern buildings and wide range of programs and activities provide an environment which as closely as possible resembles those available in the general community.
Security level
- Four-bedroom, self-contained units with a fully-equipped kitchen, laundry, communal bathroom and living room.
- Three two-storey single cell blocks divided into units of 34 or 36 cells, each with a toilet, shower, hand basin, bed, desk, chair, shelving, bed light, notice board, mirror, floor carpet, window, curtains, television, heating and intercom.
Loddon Prison was the second Victorian prison designed specifically for unit management (Barwon Prison was the first). Construction began in February 1988 and cost $29 million. The first prisoners arrived in August 1990 after Castlemaine Prison closed.
Middleton profile
Security level
Prisoners at Middleton live in self-catered, cottage style accommodation where they are responsible for cooking their own meals.
Middleton opened in July 2014.
Download the Loddon Prison and Middleton visitors information booklet.